ArduinoISP-Shield – Prototyping

As discussed in my last post, I intended to make up a prototype shield in order to supply three main functions - ICSP programmer, breakout to allow ICSP programming off-board, and FTDI serial input to allow comms with the inserted Atmel chip.  This post will discuss how I went with the schematics and breadboarding of the planned device.

The Schematic

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FT232R to FTDI-cable Adapter

I got myself one of Sparkfun’s FT232R Breakout Boards, but I didn’t get the basic version (whoops).  Now, the advanced version breaks out every pin of the FT232R, but it doesn’t have a direct pinout to an FTDI cable such as what the FT232R Basic supplies.  Oh, and it’s set by default to 3.3v, but that’s adjustable through a solder jumper.

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Arduino Uno as ISP

So, I’m planning on building up an Arduino-compatible breadboard in order to prototype my MCE Remote IR Blaster. In order to do this, I decided I needed a few extra components so I can program the ATmega328p microcontroller without needing to go and pull chips out of sockets on my current Uno boards;

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