Microserver – USB Failed (owee!)

Well, it only took three months, but the USB key I was driving my Microserver from went bang over the weekend.  It started accumulating a lot of errors, and fsck fixed the errors, but they just came back again.  Doing some analysis, I don’t believe that I was committing too many writes to the key - I only would have made under 1Gb worth of writes, and with a 16Gb USB key, there’s no way I should have committed enough writes to be able to blow the read/write cycle limit of even one block on the key.

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Arduinoven – Board Assembly

Assembled the Arduinoven board over the weekend. It wound out being that one of the boards I received had a manufacturing defect, but the other two didn’t.  While it would be pretty straightforward to correct the defect with a craft knife, I decided to just use one of the other boards.  I guess that’s why they sent me three boards and it’s also why you should check over a new board with a continuity tester…  Anyway, after all that, IT WORKS.

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AeroQuad 2.5.1 – Code Upload via ICSP

So I’ve been fooling with the new AeroQuad 2.5.1 code, and I’ve integrated some fixes posted by Kenny9999 (an AeroQuad.com forum user), as well as integrated my battery level compensation code.  Unfortunately though, putting in both makes the code a little too big to fit into the 32256 bytes you have available on the Uno with the Optiboot bootloader.

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Bus Pirate – 40x Verify Speed Increase!

Update 19th April 2012 - I finally go an ATmega2560, so I fixed the code to work with memory paging and also updated the patches to work with all the latest versions of AVRDUDE and the Bus Pirate firmware.
Update 12th January 2013 - Haven’t touched this stuff in a while, but a reader informed me that the patch no longer works with the latest SVN.  I’ve updated it to work with the latest SVN (release 1132 as of this writing).

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Bus Pirate as FTDI Cable

One of the things I wanted to do with my Bus Pirate was figure out how to apply it like an FTDI cable for the purposes of uploading sketches to an Arduino.  It took me a little stuffing around to do it, but here’s the condensed version of how to make it work;

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