Bus Pirate as FTDI Cable

One of the things I wanted to do with my Bus Pirate was figure out how to apply it like an FTDI cable for the purposes of uploading sketches to an Arduino.  It took me a little stuffing around to do it, but here’s the condensed version of how to make it work;

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Bus Pirate as ICSP Programmer

NOTE:  This article was written for the Arduino 022 IDE, not for the release 1.0.  Things are now quite a lot simpler in the 1.0 IDE, so this article will be getting a severe editing once I get to retest everything.  Stay tuned.

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Bus Pirate Received!

Just got my delivery made, and now I have a Sparkfun Bus Pirate!  One thing I noticed straight away is that the cable provided has exactly the same colour scheme as the original Seeedstudio version, but the shroud on the 10-pin header is reversed, meaning that all the colours were swapped.

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Arduinoven – Board Ordered!

Well, I’ve put in an order for version 1.0 (the release version) of the Arduinoven PCB with MakePCB.  I’ve updated the sch and brd files on my GoogleCode site with the release versions that I sent for manufacturing, but I’ll refrain from screenshots and pictures until I’ve got the board in my hands and have actually tested it.

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Arduinoven – Whoops!

I’ve been finalizing the prototyping stage of the Arduinoven, and I’ve discovered something that’s pretty obvious to someone who has worked with thermocouples before.  Not obvious to me though, until now.

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