Triple-head Wallpaper Script

So, I have two computers with three monitors each - my home setup (3 x 2560x1440 monitors) and my work setup (3 x 1920x1200 monitors).  I want to have a collection of surround (ie, 16:3 aspect ratio) wallpapers and also to tile three regular 16:9 or 16:10 wallpapers so that one appears on each monitor.

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Planetside 2: ESF Tutorials

In the past month I’ve discovered Planetside 2, a free-to-play MMOFPS which has Australian servers.  They’ve recently put out a huge game update which dramatically improves performance and that’s what made me give it a go.  Anyway, once I got over the incredible chaos and the very frequent dying (fortunately the death penalty is pretty well zip), I found I really enjoyed it.

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Dynamic DNS filtering for NGINX

Nginx is something that I’ve really come to appreciate since I moved my blog across to my own server.  However, it’s lacking a really great feature that I would love to have - the ability to dynamically update rules through DNS resolution.  I don’t have a static IP address for my home Internet connection, but I do use dynamic DNS.

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Setting up a static SSH tunnel

So, I have a Microserver sitting at home, and due to various reasons I wanted to move one of the services that I typically ran on the Microserver across to my VPS.  The reason why I wanted to do this is to save CPU cycles on the Microserver since I’m planning on using those to do some other work.  But the service I wanted to move is intended for local access only and I don’t want to set up a proper site-to-site VPN.

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