Transmitter Jitter, New Quad Parts

As I believe I mentioned earlier, my Hobbyking HK-7x transmitter got fried pretty badly when I foolishly blew it up trying to recharge the batteries.  Anyway, I’ve swapped over to a Hobbyking HK-T6A transmitter, and frankly it’s pretty terrible.  There’s an incredible amount of jitter on the receiver outputs, bad enough that it affects my ability to fly the quad.  It also seems to drift out of calibration very quickly.  Quite disappointing, but I guess I can’t complain too much, it’s a very cheap Tx.

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MediaPortal Screen Tearing

Lately I’ve been having an issue where MediaPortal playback is choppy and suffers from screen tearing.  It turns out this happens when the Windows 7 Aero theme gets turned off.  I’m not sure why it’s getting turned off sometimes, but at any rate you can force it on through the guide here;

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Bus Pirate & AVRDUDE Revisited

It’s been a while.  I’ve revisited the AVRDUDE patches I made to the Bus Pirate to make sure everything actually works with the version 5.11 AVRDUDE that comes with the Arduino 1.0 IDE.  I’ll also be gradually updating all my GoogleCode stuff to make sure that it works with the Arduino 1.0 IDE.

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Damn you, SElinux!

SElinux is a major security feature in CentOS (and Red Hat).  By default it’s in Enforcing mode, which means it enforces all sorts of security restrictions on what processes are allowed to do.  On my Microserver, I’ve intentionally been running in Enforcing mode so that I can get used to dealing with it, as well as for increased security.

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