Netflow Collector on Splunk – Interesting Bug

James Young · December 6, 2016

The Splunk Add-on for Netflow appears to have a bug.  If you run through the script accept all the defaults, it refuses to ingest any Netflow data.

This is because its script deletes all ASCII netflow data that’s older than -1 day old.

You can easily fix this by either rerunning again and typing in every value, or edit /opt/splunk/etc/apps/Splunk_TA_flowfix/bin/ and change the following line;

# Cleanup files older than -1
find /opt/splunk/etc/apps/Splunk_TA_flowfix/nfdump-ascii -type f -mtime +-1 -exec rm -f {} \;

Change the +-1 to +1.  This tells the script to clean up all ASCII netflow data older than 1 day (ie, not everything older than some time in the future).

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