Raspberry Pi Temperature Monitoring with CheckMK

James Young · April 11, 2016

The Raspberry Pi running Raspian has some built-in temperature sensors.  The sensor is on the CPU die, and you can find it at;


CheckMK supports the idea of local checks.  A local check is a simple script that runs in the agent on a host and performs whatever check processing and verification that’s required on the client end.  This means you cannot customize the warn/crit thresholds from the CheckMK host end.  But they’re easy to write.

The above simplistic script reads in the CPU temperature of the RPi, and sets a warn threshold of 90% of the throttling temperature with a critical threshold of 100% of the throttling temperature.

If you add this into;


On your Raspian install, then manually run check_mk_agent, you’ll see in the «>> section the output from the sensor.  You can then edit the host in CheckMK and add the new service that is automatically inventoried.  I assume here that your CPU die never gets below 0 degrees (should be fairly sensible in most circumstances, I imagine).


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