Well, that was straightforward. I present you with;
Output collected using the dump1090 tool. Setup was pretty straightforward;
apt-get install librtlsdr-dev git cmake libusb-1.0-0-dev build-essential git clone git://github.com/MalcolmRobb/dump1090.git cd dump1090 make
Once that’s done, you have a build of dump1090, which can be used with your SDR to decode ADS-B signals from nearby aircraft. Run this to collect data;
./dump1090 --interactive --net
You should start seeing some dumped output for nearby aircraft. If you see stuff, great! Pop open your browser, go to http://YOURRPI:8080/ and then drag the map to near where you are. Aircraft will appear!
I’m pretty surprised with how well I’m picking up aircraft, given how badly placed my antenna is, and how poor the antenna itself is. Should work even better once I get a decent antenna.