Just received a set of packages for most of the remaining parts for what I’ve ordered! Busy night coming up tonight in that case 🙂
- AeroQuad v1.9 Shield (including standoffs and stackable headers)
- HobbyKing HK-7Xv2 Transmitter and Receiver
I’ve got the ITG-3200 gyro at home, but I’m still waiting on the replacement BMA180, so I’m not quite done yet. I’ve also just received confirmation that my shipment of a lot of jumper cable hardware (of various sizes to make receiver and ESC cables) is on its way by express post, so I should have that in the next day or two. I’ll start on assembling the shield tonight.
It’s now time for me to start looking at a frame & ordering motors/esc’s/propellors. I’ve decided to get a whole bunch of spare props and a few spares motors just to ensure I’m covered for… collisions.