I’m employed as a server admin, with most of my time spent working with VMware and managing a reasonably sized fleet of machines. As such, I have a range of various Powershell scripts I’ve written to take advantage of VMware’s PowerCLI interface for Powershell. PowerCLI is, in a word, great. It provides some pretty good in-depth insight to what’s going on in vCenter, and since it ties into Powershell, it’s easy to script up whatever you want to do.
Anyhow, below is a filter script, which was cobbled together from some code from a source I can’t recall (if you know the original source, let me know so I can attribute it properly!). The purpose of this script is to take a bunch of VMs, calculate the Size and Used disk space of those VMs, and dump that out.
Begin {</p>
Process {
$vm = $_$report = $vm | select Name, Id, Size, Used
$report.Size = 0
$report.Used = 0$vmview = $vm | Get-View
foreach($disk in $vmview.Storage.PerDatastoreUsage){
$dsview = (Get-View $disk.Datastore)
$report.Size += (($disk.Committed+$disk.Uncommitted)/1024/1024/1024)
$report.Used += (($disk.Committed)/1024/1024/1024)
}$report.Size = [Math]::Round($report.Size, 2)
$report.Used = [Math]::Round($report.Used, 2)Write-Output $report
}End {
An example of its use follows;
Get-VM | .\Get-VMSize.ps1 | Measure-Object -Property Size -Sum
The input should be a VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore,Impl.V1.Inventory.VirtualMachineImpl object, such as what gets returned by Get-VM. Each output object from the script will contain the following fields;
- Name - The text name of the VM as given by the Name field in the input object.
- Id - The ID of the VM as given by the Id field of the input object.
- Size - The sum of the sizes of all disks used by the VM. This size is the figure set when provisioning the disk, not the actual on-disk allocation (ie, it will be bigger than the disk use if you are using thin provisioning).
- Used - The amount of actual disk space being used by all disks on the VM. This size is smaller than Size if the VM is thin provisioned.